The Nicaraguan delegation at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum participated in crucial panels and met with prominent figures.

El Foro Económico Internacional de San Petersburgo, en el que participó Nicaragua, impulsa encuentros para fomentar la cooperación, en el contexto de un nuevo orden mundial.
El Foro Económico Internacional de San Petersburgo, en el que participó Nicaragua, impulsa encuentros para fomentar la cooperación, en el contexto de un nuevo orden mundial.

The Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum, in which Nicaragua participated, promotes meetings to promote cooperation, in the context of a new world order.

The delegation representing Nicaragua at the XXVII International Economic Forum in Saint Petersburg, Russia, participated in various forums with prominent figures, with the aim of strengthening relations and promoting trade, investments and cooperation within the framework of the new world order.

In this sense, the Vice President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo, highlighted the participation of the delegation, who held different meetings in military technical cooperation meetings, as well as in panels “of cultural and economic relevance, which underline the importance of culture in tourism development and international relations.”

The Nicaraguan delegation, at the XXVII International Economic Forum, held meetings with Dr. Veronika Skvortsova, director of the Federal Medical Myological Agency and co-president of the Joint Commission between Russia and Nicaragua for Economic and Commercial Cooperation and Scientific and Technical Exchange, according to an official statement from the Nicaraguan government.

“During the meeting, cooperation projects in health, trade, investment, tourism, finance, education, culture, media, security and defense were reviewed,” in which Alexander Babakov, Vice President of the State Duma, also participated. From Russia; Alexander Shetinin, director for Latin America of the Russian Foreign Ministry and representatives of Russian ministries, institutions and companies, detailed the press release.

The representation of Nicaragua at the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum is made up of the Attorney General of the Republic, Wendy Morales; the representative of the President for Affairs with the Russian Federation, Laureano Ortega Murillo; the deputy and president of the Economic and Financial Commission of the National Assembly, Walmaro Gutiérrez; and the Inspector General of the Nicaraguan Army, Major General, Marvin Corrales, previously detailed the vice president of Nicaragua.

For his part, the parliamentarian of the National Assembly of Nicaragua, Walmaro Gutiérrez, participated in the panel “Culture as a powerful engine of tourism development and diplomatic tool to improve economic and international relations.”

Likewise, the Special Representative of the President for Affairs with Russia, Laureano Ortega Murillo, participated in the panel titled “Russia-Latin America.”

Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum, one of the most important in the world

The Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum in Russia is considered one of the most important in economy and society worldwide, with more than 17 thousand participants from 130 countries, Murillo stressed.

Read more: Nicaragua consolidates cooperation agreements with Saudi Arabia

Over the past 26 years, the Forum has consolidated its status as a leading international event focusing on key issues on the global economic agenda. In addition, it provides a platform for participants to exchange best practices and knowledge for the sake of sustainable development, also indicates the written declaration of Nicaragua.

The Forum has been held annually since 1997. As of 2005, it has been held under the auspices of the President of the Russian Federation, who has also attended each event.