Around the world, different governments have extended their condolences to the people of Iran for the death of their president and companions.

World leaders lament the death of Iran’s president, Ebrahim Raisi

Different presidents sent their condolences to Iran’s citizens following the death of its president, Ebrahim Raisi, and other government officials, in the plane crash in the northwest of the country.

From Latin America, the Government of Nicaragua sent its condolences to the Iranian people, through a letter, which quoted: “We accompany, at heart, their pain in these tragic circumstances that has left the physical departure of President Ebrahim Raisi, of Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the governor of Eastern Azerbaijan, brother Malik Rahmati, and all the entourage that accompanied this top-level delegation that visited the Qiz-Qalasi dam.”

“As always, to all our affection, prayers and solidarity, present in the sorrows in fraternal union, and sure that God our Lord will alleviate this affliction, and the spiritual strength of the Iranian authorities and brothers will make them go ahead and continue to wage the necessary battles for justice and peace,” added the written communication of the Nicaraguan State.

The President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz- Canel, from his X-ray account, wrote: “The Party, the Government and the people of Cuba deeply regret the loss of a great friend, a politician admirable and dear to his people: the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raisi, of his Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian and his companions.”

Also, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, during his press conference expressed his deepest condolences: “Offering to the Iranian people our condolences on the death in an accident, so far is the information that is available, from the President of Iran and the chancellor of that nation, of that nation.”

The Bolivian government said: “From Bolivia we send our deepest condolences to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Government of Iran, the brave Iranian people and the families of those who died in these moments of deep regret. The Bolivian people are with you at this difficult time.”

“The willingness to work with Bolivia to strengthen vital areas such as health, education, agriculture, telecommunications and more, which we value infinitely.”

From Venezuela, the president, Nicolas Maduro, spoke about it, through his account in X: “I am dismayed at the harsh news about the sensitive physical loss of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi. Cilia, who is a friend of his wife’s wife, and we are very sorry for having to fire an exemplary person, an extraordinary leader of the world as he is and will forever be our brother Ebrahim, an excellent human being, defender of the sovereignty of his people and unconditional friend of our country.”

Similarly, China’s President Xi Jinping sent his condolences, noting that President Raisi made an important contribution to Iran’s security and stability by promoting development and national prosperity, and making active efforts to consolidate and develop the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two nations.

From a statement issued by the Russian Government, it reads: “I express my deepest condolences for the great tragedy that has plagued the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the air accident that claimed the lives of President Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, as well as that of other prominent leaders of his country. Seyed Ebrahim Raisi was a prominent politician whose entire life was dedicated to serving his country. His compatriots had him in great appreciation and enjoyed considerable prestige abroad.”

Stressing that, “as a true friend of Russia, he made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good-neighbourly relations among our countries and made great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnership.”

For its part, the government of Belarus regretted the tragic event, calling it an irreparable loss not only for the Iranian people, but also «real friends of Belarus,» highlights the statement of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In that regard, Belarusian President Alexandr Lukashenko said: “They died prominent sons of the Iranian people and world-renowned political personalities, whose firm activity and decisions guaranteed Iran’s proper position in the world, favored the strengthening and enhancement of Iran’s great prestige in the international arena.”

You can read: Nicaragua stands in solidarity with Iran at the death of Raisi and his companions

The accident occurred on 19 May, while Raisi and an accompanying entourage returned from a visit to the Qiz-Qalasi Dam in Azerbaijan, when the helicopter in which they were being transported crashed into northwest Iran.

You may be interested:  5 days of mourning for the death of the president of Iran and his companions

The funeral honors of President Ebrahim Raisi and other companions will be held on May 21, in Tabriz province, northwest Iran, according to the head of political and electoral affairs of the province.