President of Nicaragua warns about conflicts generated by the United States in Latin America.
President of Nicaragua warns about conflicts generated by the United States in Latin America.

The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, condemned the intervention of Western governments in Latin America, denouncing that the United States and its allies seek to generate conflicts in the countries of the region.

In this sense, he referred to the situation between Venezuela and Guyana due to the tensions of an undelimited maritime territory. “They come and try to activate new conflicts, with nations that have been in solidarity with the people of Our America, in the first place, and with the North American people themselves, with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.”

Likewise, Daniel Ortega highlighted the right of the Venezuelan government to call a referendum related to the territory occupied by Guyana since 1899.

“The Venezuelan brothers, with all their rights, have called a new referendum that has to do with a territory that the English stole from them, as here the English had occupied the entire Caribbean Coast (Nicaraguan),” Ortega added.

The Sandinista leader pointed out “Guyana is a supportive, brave people, but the government is conspiring with the Yankees, already giving them oil concessions, in territory that does not belong to Guyana, territory that has belonged to Venezuela”.

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Likewise, the Nicaraguan president warns about the presence of US warships in the area, which he considers an attempt to destabilize the Venezuelan government.

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In this context, in the official act, the president of Nicaragua offered his solidarity to Venezuela, “we say to the Venezuelan people, count on our solidarity at all times”.