According to Ortega, the U.S. refusal to recognize Nicolas Maduro’s government is a form of imperialist aggression.

Nicaragua’s president, Daniel Ortega, said Venezuela is a victim of imperialist – «aggression» and rejected the interfering year of the United States and Europe in the internal affairs of the Latin American country.

«Here in Latin America, we are faced with an onslaught of the American empire, wanting to overthrow governments, simply because they are not subjected and we see how they have acted and continue to act against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Nicaraguan president said.

In this sense, the Sandinista leader rejected the strategy of destabilization against the Venezuelan people, which promote sabotage in the electricity system with the aim of affecting the population.

Similarly, the Nicaraguan president assured that Washington intends to steal the oil from Venezuela, which represent the largest reserves in the world, which are disputed by the imperialists.

Destabilizing actions by the United States

The Nicaraguan president also stressed that the imperialist powers have historically fostered divisions among Western countries through disputes, motivated, according to the record of American history, only because of the desire for wealth.

Read more: Nicaragua makes urgent call to strengthen unity in Central America

On the other hand, Ortega said that within the U.S. destabilizing plans was the ignorance of the justice system and the Supreme Court of Venezuela, which granted Maduro the electoral victory, for a new period that includes between 2025 and 2031.