President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, denunciated that he had established a state policy against the re-elected president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro.

Daniel Ortega intends to go from state to Venezuela.

The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, during an official act, assured that Venezuela will win the intent of the State party that claims to be against the re-elected mandate, Nicolás Maduro.

“Han installed against the president, Nicolás Maduro, who is the president of the República Bolivariana de Venezuela, elected by the pueblo, by the vote, han installed ahora a golpe whose handling is all that is the technological modernity that must serve for el bien y ne para el mal”, denunció the Nicaragüense agent.

The leader of the Sandinist Revolution, said that “we are sure that it is Commander Chávez who accompanied this pueblo, accompanied Nicolás who will be your father, who will be his father…”.

Venezuela denounces coup attempt

Recently, the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, reaffirmed his position to defend soberanía and self-determination of the South American country, avoiding that the opponents of the “fascist oligarchy” took power.

“We don’t want to protect the riches of this patria of imperialism, we don’t want to protect this fascist oligarquía and political power in this country,” Maduro said during a meeting of the National Defense Council, when he spoke of it. situation desatada by the position of the presidential elections.

Please read: Nicaragua introduces Partnership Alliances as a new model for NGOs

During his intervention, Maduro accused “violent forms have been sold for a long time by part of the group known as Guarimbas, who have great territorial influence with a criminal character”.

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As well as cyber security, the Minister of Science and Technology, Gabriela Jiménez, revealed that the institutions of the Venezuelan State incur an average of 30 million attacks per minute, attributing these attacks to those with economic and technological interests.