The Nicaraguan government rejects the interference of the European Union and reaffirms its sovereignty.

Nicaragua reaffirms its right to decide without external interference.
Nicaragua reaffirms its right to decide without external interference.

The Government of Nicaragua issued a strong statement rejecting the European Union’s interference in its internal affairs, reaffirming its sovereignty and the right to take decisions in a free and independent manner.

«The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of Nicaragua clarifies to the representatives of the European Union that Nicaragua is a blessed, free and sovereign country. Therefore, it is neither colony nor comply with orders from any country in the world», says the official statement.»

Nicaragua also reminds the European Union that the history of its countries is marked by atrocities and crimes against humanity, perpetrated in a voracious desire to subdue peoples and snatch their wealth, natural and cultural heritages.

In the communiqué, the Central American nation mentions the conflict in Gaza as a contemporary example that evokes old European imperial conquests, underlining the European Union’s participation in the context of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

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Enough of interference, falsehoods and abuses in the name of an alleged and theatricalized «democracy,» which has left a trail of blood, misery and suffering in the territories where they settled to exterminate and plunder, the message of the Nicaraguan government continues.

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The statement concludes with a call to respect the «models and ways of life of the peoples,» rejecting any attempt at external imposition by European countries.