Resolution issued by the UN Human Rights Council against Nicaragua is aligned with the US policy of interference.
Resolution issued by the UN Human Rights Council against Nicaragua is aligned with the US policy of interference.

Nicaragua denounces resolution of the UN Human Rights Council, considering it a violation of sovereignty and independence and aligned with the intervention policy of the United States and different European nations.

The Government of the Latin American country reiterated its rejection “of any type of resolution, that is partial and unrelated to the efforts that, as a country, we have been facing, to give continuity to the process of structural changes that guarantee progressive progress in the enjoyment and enjoyment of the Human Rights of the Nicaraguan nation, as well as sustainable development throughout our territory.”

Likewise, it was emphasized that: “The mechanisms adopted unilaterally against Nicaragua have the objective of continuing to disqualify and denigrate our national authorities and institutions, as well as the legal system that supports the Nicaraguan State, on the basis of false and totally biased information, with «the purpose of interfering in our affairs, disrespecting our sovereignty and independence and echoing the interventionist policy of the United States of North America and some European countries, towards our People.»

Nicaragua denounces double standards of the Human Rights Council

The Sandinista Government, led by the president, Daniel Ortega, also refuted the unilateral creation and designation of “a supposed Group of Experts on Nicaragua,” specifying that it is nothing more than a “curtain to pretend non-existent legality in the reports they prepare on Nicaragua, which spread subjective, distorted and false situations and facts about our reality…

Furthermore, he rejected the disparate way and riddled with double standards with which international organizations such as the Human Rights Council assess the application of Human Rights between countries, in reference to «the barbarities committed by imperialists and neocolonialists.»

The Nicaraguan statement highlighted that this situation results in “the manipulation and instrumentalization of Human Rights for other purposes and hegemonic pretensions, derived from imperialist economic and political interests, which affects the dignity and sovereignty of the peoples who seek to carve out their own destiny . without any foreign interest .”