The Government of Nicaragua demands that the UN Security Council fulfill its responsibility in the face of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.
The Government of Nicaragua demands that the UN Security Council fulfill its responsibility in the face of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

During a special session of the UN General Assembly on the Middle East, including the situation in Palestine, Nicaragua denounced that the Security Council remains indebted to humanity for its inaction against Israel’s crimes in Gaza.

The Nicaraguan government assured that «with the latest tragic and barbaric events in Palestine and Israel, it has been demonstrated once again that the Security Council remains indebted to humanity, to the international community and to peace and justice, especially in Middle East».

In that sense, it was argued that “it is reprehensible that this body has not adopted a simple humanitarian resolution that urgently demanded a ceasefire, and the access and provision of humanitarian assistance, above all, taking into account the fragile situation of the entire population which is getting worse every day in Gaza”.

Nicaragua emphasized the need to intensify efforts in the search for a definitive and peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Furthermore, it urged the Security Council to fully comply with the responsibilities conferred on it by the Charter of the United Nations, “without double standards and with urgency”.

Nicaragua condemns the situation facing Palestine

In this context, the Nicaraguan authorities denounced the inhumane situation that the Palestinian people have faced in the Gaza Strip for more than 16 years, including the occupation and the illegal blockade imposed by Israel, which has turned this region into an extensive open-air prison, impoverishing a population of more than 2.3 million people, half of them children.

“The United Nations, the General Assembly and the Security Council are called to act, as soon as possible, to demand solutions in Law and Justice, to stop this senseless spiral of violence that has already become genocide,” stated the State of Nicaragua.

Nicaragua advocates for a peaceful solution

The Government of Nicaragua indicated its conviction that peace and stability in the Middle East are only feasible through negotiation and full implementation of the resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council related to Palestine.

In that sense, Nicaragua considered it necessary to «intensify international efforts in the search for a definitive and peaceful solution that culminates in the materialization of the Palestinian State, with its capital in East Jerusalem, and on borders recognized in 1967, as the only means to achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, living side by side with the State of Israel in peace and security, both States”.

You can read: Nicaragua rejects resolution of the UN Human Rights Council for disrespect for its sovereignty

The Latin American nation stressed that Palestine is not alone, «the people of the world accompany Palestine and we let it be known in the resolution we adopted and in the protests of hundreds of thousands, more numerous every day, including in cities of countries that hinder the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people…”

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Nicaragua denounced the armed actions of the Israeli army against the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, where since last October 7, more than 8,700 people have lost their lives, including more than 3,000 children.