Iran and Nicaragua continue to strengthen their ties of cooperation in different areas of interest.
Iran and Nicaragua continue to strengthen their ties of cooperation in different areas of interest.

Iran’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, marks a historic milestone with his arrival in Nicaragua, where he will hold talks with his counterpart and top Sandinista leader, Daniel Ortega Saavedra, consolidating the strategic ties between both nations.

Raisi was accompanied by a large delegation and the First Lady of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Yamileh Sadat Alamolhoda, who were received by the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Nicaragua, Denis Moncada, and various representatives of the Nicaraguan government, at the Augusto C. Sandino International Airport.

The Iranian president arrived in Nicaraguan territory as part of his tour of Latin America, in which he already visited Venezuela and will head towards Cuba, after his stay in the Central American nation.

First Lady of Iran to Meet with Nicaraguan Ministers

The Nicaraguan vice president, Rosario Murillo, previously reported that Alamolhoda, a doctor in Islamic Education, will hold a meeting with students and communicators at the Casa de la Soberanía Padre Miguel D’Escoto; and will also present two books in different halls of the Foreign Ministry in Nicaragua.

In this regard, he specified that the First Lady of Iran «will present two books: Cell number 14; in the Hall of Heroes of the Chancellery, accompanied by academics, students, rectors, vice-rectors and ministers, will be accompanied by the Minister of the Family, the Minister of Women, the Minister of Youth, of course the president of the CNU, fellow doctor, Ramona Rodríguez; rectors and vice-rectors academics, university students».

The Vice President of Nicaragua also explained that «the ministers of Education, Science and Technology will also be participating in the presentation of the book Philosophy of Education, in the San Jacinto Battle Room of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic».

The President will be in the National Assembly on Wednesday morning, President Raisi. So pleased, happy, proud to receive them brothers representatives of the people and government of the Islamic Republic of Iran,» Murillo emphasized. 

Consolidation in bilateral cooperation 

On the diplomatic tour of the head of the State of Iran, the Iranian Foreign Minister, Amir Abdolahian, stressed that «it is a clear advance in the direction of stabilizing and strengthening cooperation beneficial to the common interests of Iran and the Latin American region».

In addition, he explained that the Middle East nation is aimed at strengthening areas such as energy, science, technology, health, medicine, agriculture and the export of technical engineering goods and services, with the Latin American countries visited.

Abdolahian emphasized that the sanctions imposed by the White House against Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, have generated greater rapprochement of Iran, to overcome the negative effects of the coercive foreign policy of the United States.

Latin American affairs specialist Luis Rodríguez recently explained that «Iranian politics is totally opposed to American politics in Latin America, as well as in Western Asia. It is not based on exploitation, blackmail, isolation, sanctions, sowing discord, threats».

During his first visit to Latin America, Abdollanhián held meetings with the high Nicaraguan authorities, where they strengthened their diplomatic ties and cooperation on various issues of common interest.