Survey indicates that 86.7% of Nicaraguans consider that the Interoceanic Canal Project represents benefits to the country.
Survey indicates that 86.7% of Nicaraguans consider that the Interoceanic Canal Project represents benefits to the country.

The international firm “M&R Consultores”, through an exhaustive survey, revealed that there is broad acceptance among Nicaraguan citizens regarding the construction of the Interoceanic Canal in the Latin American nation.

According to the results of the public opinion study, the population approves 91% of the megaproject to build the Interoceanic Canal. Likewise, 86.7% of Nicaraguans affirm that the completion of this work would represent benefits for the country.

Nicaraguan citizens approve 84% of the establishment of diplomatic, economic and commercial relations between Nicaragua and China, according to the survey carried out by the renowned pollster.

Nicaragua Interoceanic Canal

In the context of the international debate, Guennadi Semiguin, parliamentarian of the State Duma in Russia, underlined the importance of the project by stating: «If this canal is built, it could completely alter the geoeconomics situation of Latin America.»

The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, has previously referred to the matter, denouncing the actions of the United States against the Canal project, and has stated that in the country there have not been quantities of gold as in other territories, nor greater wealth, but the invaders discovered that in Nicaragua there is a natural passage through which a transit route could be opened between the Caribbean Sea and the ocean.

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“And what they are looking for is control of Nicaragua, so that no other country can develop that canal,” said the Nicaraguan leader, referring to the interference of the United States throughout history in the possible construction of this canal.

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Likewise, he explained that “the Panama Canal needs another transit route, and that is why when we have spoken here in Nicaragua, we have been working to develop the Canal, immediately comes the campaign of the force’s enemies of the Revolution, of the North American government who begin their offensives, to try to prevent this project from moving forward.”