The ‘Camo’ line of cigars, manufactured in Estelí, Nicaragua, made its debut at the Tabacco Plus Expo 2023, held in Las Vegas, United States.
The ‘Camo’ tobacco was launched at this fair, in a Churchill 7 x 52 format, and a thick 6-60 format, under a project by Fratello Cigars and Estelí Cigars Factory.
Omar de Frias, owner and creator of Fratello, said he was “very excited to work with the Estilian, Karen Berger, and her team at “Estelí Cigars Factory”, highlighting their successful experience in this industry.
Berger, known in this area as «The Queen of Tobacco», explained that it is the first time that she has worked with the Fratello brand on a project, «and with Camo we created something unique, but with the flavor of Nicaraguan tobacco,» she said.
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The Tobacco Plus 2023 Fair, was held from February 22 to 24, at the Convention Center in Las Vegas, where the best Premium tobacco brands in the world were offered, as well as vapors and alternative products.