Nicaragua and Iran open the doors to establish a Free Trade Agreement in the future.

During the visit of President Ebrahim Raisi, Iran and Nicaragua reached strategic cooperation agreements.

Iran and Nicaragua, during the historic visit of the president, Ebrahim Raisi, signed a contract of three Memorandums of Understanding, which integrate strategic components of cooperation for the development of both nations.

After a working meeting held in Managua, the Iranian president and the leader of the Sandinista Revolution, President Daniel Ortega, announced that they developed a minute on the exchange of information to chart the way and establish a future Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Iran and Nicaragua.

Mixed Intergovernmental Commission will be created

In relation to the memorandums reached, the president, Daniel Ortega, explained that the first deal with the creation of an Intergovernmental Mixed Commission, for economic, commercial cooperation and scientific-technical exchange, between the Governments of the Republic of Nicaragua and the Republic Islamic of Iran.

The second memorandum establishes key agreements between the Supreme Courts of Justice of both nations; while a third memorandum integrates the cooperation of medical equipment and supplies from laboratories and pharmaceuticals, between the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran and the Ministry of Health of Nicaragua.

“We are talking about an agenda that has a route, which is the rapprochement of our peoples, of our institutions, for the benefit of development in the economic field, in the commercial field, in scientific-technical exchanges”, said the Nicaraguan president.

Nicaragua ready to visit Iran

President Daniel announced that a Nicaraguan delegation is ready to visit Iran, and in this sense “create the conditions that allow agreements on pending issues to be executed.”

“We recognize your visit, as a visit that is touching the countries, the peoples, most committed to the fight for the defense of sovereignty and the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean,” the Nicaraguan president told Raisi.

The Nicaraguan head of state highlighted the visit that the Iranian president made to Venezuela, and which clearly marks a path.

“President Chávez, a revolutionary fighter, in solidarity, gave a great boost to unity and cooperation with our peoples”, he stressed.

In this context, Ortega mentioned the battle that Cuba and Venezuela have been waging, always facing aggressiveness, conspiracies, coups, blockades and imperialist sanctions.

Iran: God has been forgotten by the empire

Meanwhile, the Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi, indicated that unfortunately today, in the world, an unjust order is ruling.

“Imperialism, for having forgotten God, and having forgotten the identity of the peoples, is hindering their compliance and will,” he said.

In this sense, he remarked that “the resistance of the peoples and the search for independence neutralizes and pushes back” the empire, in its interests.

Raisi firmly assured that “without a doubt, the New World Order will be established in favor of the resistant countries and the independent countries”.

Raisi: Iran will raise exchanges with Nicaragua

In relation to the agreements signed with Nicaragua, the Iranian president explained that the capacities have been defined to raise the level of exchange and cooperation between both countries.

“The most important agreements are in terms of trade and commercial and economic cooperation. And agreements on science and technology have also been reached,” he detailed.

In addition, he explained that one of the defined areas of cooperation of interest is the export of technical and engineering services; as well as cooperation in health and medical services, and specialized personnel in pharmaceutical matters.

You can read: President of Iran visits Nicaragua to strengthen strategic cooperation relations

«I take this opportunity to invite you to visit Tehran, Iran, so that you can get to know our country up close, and visit our center and most important places, especially sites related to science and technology,» Raisi told the Central American president.

It may interest you: Nicaragua and Iran highlight ongoing struggle against US intervention

In this regard, the Nicaraguan president remarked that he had already had the opportunity to visit Iran in 2007; and he expressed that “God must want us to visit Iran again. Soon we will be there”, stressed the leader of the Sandinista Revolution of Nicaragua.