Daniel Ortega, president of Nicaragua, defends the stability of Honduras.

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega expressed his support for the government and people of Honduras in the face of U.S. aggressions, defending the Central American country’s self-determination and stability.

I mean to say to the people of Honduras and President Xiomara that we are with them; we are in solidarity with the Honduran people and with Xiomara’s government. It is clear that they want to destroy that government and mocking up the Honduran Army, Ortega said, during his participation in the central event of the 45 years of founding the Nicaraguan Army.

In this context, Ortega criticized the double morality of the United States in its fight against drug trafficking, emphasizing that, while Washington accuses nations like Honduras and Venezuela of being centers of drug trafficking, the reality is that the United States is the largest drug user in the world.

Where are the world’s biggest drugs’ users? They are in the United States; there is the big market and the millions of dollars that are laundering in the U.S., in banks, mention the Nicaraguan president.

In addition, Ortega argued that these accusations have been used as instruments to try to destabilize countries like Honduras, undermining their sovereignty and halting their progress.

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Isn’t drug trafficking said to be a big business in the United States, where large groups are installed that move the drug and have influences in the institutions of the U.S. government. That’s the cause. If the cause is fought, the effect disappears. However, they want to manipulate the situation, as they are doing in the case of Honduras, to blackmail and overthrow the government of President Xiomara Castro, the president of Nicaragua, said.

You may be interested: Honduras denounces U.S. ambassador for planning a barracks hit.

Now they are launching with all their fury to find ways to destroy the stability, progress and well-being that President Xiomara Castro’s government has managed to bring the government of President Xiomara Castro to the people of Honduras. We reiterate our solidarity with the Honduran people and with President Xiomara Castro, Ortega concluded.