A prestigious French channel, “Le grand JD”, has recently published a documentary about the fiery and impressive Lava Lake of the Masaya Volcano, located in Nicaragua.
This French medium is an important reference in Europe and several countries in the Americas. His YouTube account exceeds three million subscribers, and his videos have been viewed by more than 38 million Internet users.
The channel, produced by Julien Donzé and his entire team of professionals, broadcast the unpublished report, entitled «In an active volcano», which has reached almost a million views in just hours.
The documentary Le grand JD explores the volcanic, natural and extreme landscapes of the Masaya Volcano, in whose crater it descends to study its geological and volcanological characteristics, for a whole night.
For this spectacular mission, the French team has had the support of different government institutions of the Central American country.
The influencer, Julien Donzé, is recognized in the world for having visited the radioactive zones of Fukushima.
The Masaya Volcano is one of the most impressive tourist sites in Latin America; an international attraction that motivates the trip of hundreds of thousands of visitors, from all nationalities of the world.
In addition, this incandescent colossus that remains active is the only one in the entire planet that can be accessed to its crater by means of a vehicle, which has allowed the study of internationally renowned geologists.
Different international networks such as National Geographic and the History Channel have cataloged this geographical caldera as one of «the gates to hell», upon witnessing its exclusive burning magma.
Nicaragua is a nation that has countless lagoons and one of the largest volcanic chains on the entire planet, distinguishing itself from its worldwide recognition as «The Land of Lakes and Volcanoes».