Nicaragua’s firm condemnation of Israel’s crimes in Middle Eastern countries.

Nicaragua described Israel’s actions as a «holocaust,» and condemned the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Israeli government and its Western allies in Middle Eastern countries, including Lebanon, Iran and Palestine.

Without any surprise and rather with the firm determination to continue condemning all the crimes against humanity of Zionism and its allies of the First World, the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity stands in solidarity once again with the Heroic Peoples of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and all the Dignified Arab World that today is experiencing the reiteration of the brutality and savagery of the war and all its aberrations, the Nicaraguan government’s statement reads.

The missive of Nicaragua pointed out that: in the face of the atrocity that with so much cynicism, arrogance and brazenness deploy and impose daily; in the face of infinite cruelty, extreme hatred and the barbaric form in which they despise the entire world and the peoples and peoples that we have always denounced those regimes that are thrown against everything and against all, in permanent genocides.

In addition, the Latin American nation called on the international community to stop what they consider a new «holocaust,» which threatens to cause more destruction, massacre, aberration and death.

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«Nicaragua honors the Heroes and Martyrs of all Time and in the face of this insane Zionist and imperialist attempt to exterminate, and from all the Organizations and all the Spaces of Peace Demand, we cry out for the cessation of Hell that the Enemies of Humanity continue to unleash, the Nicaraguan government said.

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Our Solidarity Heart with all those Peoples and Governments that today face the new waves of massacre and unforgivable attempt to exterminate, concluded Nicaragua’s written communication.