Nicaragua is also part of the world’s top 10 in reducing the gender gap.

The World Economic Forum published its new Global Gender Gap report, in which Nicaragua is the leader of the Americas, in its reduction, in addition to being in the top 10 of the 146 nations analyzed for the study.

 According to the report, during the study the accelerators of gender parity in economic participation, politics, leadership labor force and wage equity are valued; and although to date, around the world only 68.4% have been achieved, Nicaragua has excelled in the various points analyzed, maintaining a favorable position in the ranking of countries.

 The Vice President of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo said: Today we are seeing the report of the year, the World Economic Forum, which highlights our Nicaragua, blessed and always free as the country with the most gender equity in all our America, and at world level in position number 7, only surpassed by 5 countries of Western Europe and New Zealand.

The vice president of the Central American nation emphasized that this means that «we are fulfilling the duty to recognize the rights of us women, the right to lead, the right to be leaders and exercise their leadership, our leadership, the right to live harmoniously, the right to defend our lives against any threat, the right to live in peace; because women as mothers, as heads of households in these countries of ours, we have the right to claim life in harmony, life in peace, life in security, life without aggression, and life to advance creating a future of justice, more justice than we need in the whole world».

«So, we greet the Nicaraguan women, heroic, brave, fighters, workers, full of love. We celebrate in advance and we celebrate above all in equity with all the laws, which we have not only been passing, but those laws that we guarantee that they are fulfilled in all areas of our society,» Murillo said.

 Nicaragua is led by women

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the United Nations (UN) also endorse the achievements of the Central American nation, including Nicaragua as the country with the highest participation of women in ministerial cabinets, and being the third country in the world with the most female participation, in the Parliament.

 Similarly, in 2022, Nicaragua marked a momentous milestone, guaranteeing that, in the country’s municipal elections, more than 50% of women were elected to these public offices.

 A country safe for women

The United Nations highlighted the country as the safest in all of Central America, with the lowest rate of femicides in the region (0.7 per 100,000 inhabitants).

 Between 2006 and 2021, the nation also managed to reduce maternal mortality rates by up to 69%, a figure that translates into a change from 115 to 34 deaths per 100,000 live births; data that allowed the country to be awarded the America Award.

In addition, thanks to the Special Maternal Housing Programme, 72,000 women were sheltered and assisted in childbirth during 2022. A much larger number (17 million women), taking into account the extensive Hospital Network, which the Central Government of Nicaragua has promoted through its Family and Community Health Model, which is guaranteed free of charge to citizens in general.