Improving Citizen Security and Nicaragua’s Peace Are Favorable for Tourism and Investment

The situation of Citizen Security in Nicaragua has improved, compared to five years ago, it considers 75.2% of respondents, while 97.6% say that in the Central American country there is peace, according to a survey measuring public opinion, issued by the international firm, M&R Consultores.

 The Public Opinion Monitoring System (SISMO) of M&R, in its 73rd edition, conducted a survey between June 24 and July 4, 2023, obtaining favorable results for Nicaragua, in terms of Citizen Security and Peace.

Citizen security in the national territory 

Although international organizations have already ratified the Central American country as one of the safest in the Americas, the M&R survey verified the figures, conducting a sampling at the domestic level of the country.

Nicaraguans widely promote and value the principle of peace in the country. Image M&R Consultores.

In this sense, 68.4% of respondents also indicated that Citizen Security in neighborhoods and communities, during the last six months, has improved in Nicaragua, which places this nation in a privileged place, for tourism and investment, in the region. 

National Police guarantees citizen security

The respondents attribute, in part, the care of Citizen Security to the work that has been carried out by the National Police. 80.7% believe that the police do a very good job against organized crime and drug trafficking.

In addition, 78.3% consider that the Police does a very good job in terms of the Regulation and Regulation of Vehicular Traffic; while 76.0% value the work done by the police institution in terms of respect for the human rights of the population.

The Nicaraguan National Police remains permanently deployed in the country, in coordination with the population.

In general, the Nicaraguan population describes the work of the National Police as Positive by 76.2%. This figure undoubtedly translates into greater tranquility, peace, security and well-being, both for local families and for foreign tourists visiting the different cities of the country.

You can also read: Nicaragua: Under no circumstances should the peace of the country be risked

The instrument, implemented by the firm M&R, in turn shows that 71.8% of those consulted have high expectations that Citizen Security, for the next twelve months, will continue to improve.  

It might interest you: Nicaragua, el país con más paz personal del mundo

Meanwhile, 95.2% of Nicaraguans agree that peace is a fundamental value for the country’s development and should not be put at risk; while 92.5% agree that another important value is economic and social stability.