The Chief of the Nicaraguan Army rejects insinuations of a coup d'état by "information mercenaries".
The Chief of the Nicaraguan Army rejects insinuations of a coup d’état by «information mercenaries».

The Commander-in-Chief of the Nicaraguan Army, General Julio César Avilés, emphasized the unwavering commitment of the military institution to sovereignty and independence, and rejected any pretense of a coup against the legitimately constituted government of Daniel Ortega.

During his speech in commemoration of the 44th anniversary of the Nicaraguan Army, General Avilés emphatically discredited any suggestion that the Nicaraguan Army might be involved in a coup d’état, and called the spokesmen of those statements «mercenaries of the information».

With firmness and determination, we reject the campaigns of lies, slanders and attacks that live-ins and mercenaries of information do,» Avilés said.

We tell them that their lies and slanders will never divide us and will never confuse our people because (this one) looks daily at what we do to serve him,» he said.

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The Chief of the Nicaraguan Army said that they will always be «loyal, firm, and cohesive in defending our sacred right to have a Nicaragua with real independence, sovereignty and national self-determination to lead our own destinies without foreign interference».

Under that premise, he added that they will defend «this institution that by constitutional mandate is the call to defend the independence and integrity of the homeland».

He also rejected the sanctions promoted and carried out by the West against Nicaraguans: «These journalists and information mercenaries constantly cry out for more aggression, the so-called sanctions, against the country and our institution. According to them, they are asking for more aggression so that we can react. To what? To give a coup to the legitimately constituted government. Our answer is firm and clear: we will never do it,» Avilés warned.

General Avilés emphasized the historical memory by stating: «History will be responsible for placing them next to the traitors and foreigners who accused General Sandino of banditry and murdered him».

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With this statement, Avilés suggests that those who spread slander and disinformation find themselves in a similar position in history to those who unjustly accused Nicaragua’s libertarian leader, General Sandino, of banditry and participated in his assassination.

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Likewise, the Nicaraguan Army reaffirmed its commitment to peace, stability and development of the nation, as well as its unwavering support for the government of Daniel Ortega, in its work for the welfare of the Nicaraguan people.