The representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense highlighted equal cooperation with Nicaragua in different areas.

The Minister of Defense of Russia, Sergei Shoigu, in a meeting with the head of the Nicaraguan Army, General Julio Cesar Aviles, highlighted that Moscow and Managua oppose the policy of “blackmail and threats” of the West led by the United States.

Shoigu warned: “We reject the dictation and political pressure that is spreading in the world as a consequence of the step taken by Western States, led by the United States, from diplomacy to blackmail and threats. With Nicaragua and other like-minded countries, we will oppose this and draw attention to the inadmissibility of this type of behavior.”

Nicaragua, among the main strategic partners in Latin America

The Russian high representative said that Nicaragua is considered one of “Russia’s main strategic partners in Latin America since the time of the Sandinista National Liberation Front.” In that sense, he added that they highly value bilateral cooperation in the international arena.

“Russia is developing equal cooperation with Nicaragua on a wide range of issues of mutual interest, including the field of defense,” Shoigu highlighted during the meeting with General Aviles. He also detailed: “Our countries adhere to common positions on key issues of global and regional security.”

The Nicaraguan Army, in a statement issued by the General Command through the Directorate of Public and Foreign Relations, detailed that, during the meeting in Moscow, an “evaluation of the bilateral mechanism in matters of Defense, Security and Technical-Military Cooperation was carried out».

In this process, according to the written statement of the Nicaraguan military authorities, the importance of “sustaining high levels of trust and processes of permanent collaboration, which contribute from their own capabilities and security conditions to the construction of a new world order, based on multilateralism, mutual respect, and the permanent search for world peace.

In this context, he specified that General Aviles highlighted: “The firm will and permanent commitment of the Nicaraguan Army to support the strengthening of cooperation mechanisms to contain the scope and effects of common threats and risks, to contribute to in search of the best global security conditions.”

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In mid-August 2023, General Aviles, within the framework of the XI International Security Conference in Moscow, expressed: “It is essential to highlight that the United States seeks to exploit the natural resources of Latin America and the Caribbean, to the detriment of the development of our nations. “This region represents a vital geostrategic front for them, which they have no intention of leaving outside their control.”

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At that time, the representative of the Nicaraguan Army denounced that Washington’s policy towards Latin America seeks to maintain its hegemony and control, as well as implement its national security strategy to counteract the growing influence of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in the region.