Multipolarity is essential for the construction of the new world, according to a representative of Nicaragua.
Multipolarity is essential for the construction of the new world, according to a representative of Nicaragua.

A more multipolar, equitable world with shared development is necessary in the current geopolitical context, considered the government of Nicaragua, highlighting the BRICS economic group as the face of this new system of cooperation between nations.

The head of Development, Industry and Commerce of Nicaragua, Jesus Bermudez, in an interview with the Russia Today news network, expressed: “The world needs a new system, a more equitable system, a more multipolar system, where different currencies and «These can compete with each other.»

The statements were issued in relation to the emergence of a new world order led by the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), where Latin America has a wide opening, and in which dependence on Europe and the United States would be left behind.

“We as Nicaragua share all the objectives that the BRICS has proposed, and of course we would also like to be members of the BRICS,” he reaffirmed in his speech.

BRICS, an opportunity for developing nations

In that sense, the Nicaraguan official highlighted that they see the opening of the BRICS in the region as an excellent opportunity to increase commercial and economic development in Nicaragua, and so that not only large countries that are economic and political powers can be part of the economic group, but also developing countries.

Bermudez considered the rise of the BRICS to be of great relevance, given “the punitive sanctions implemented by Western countries,” also describing them as measures that violate international trade rules, taken on a political basis, which have nothing to do with it, “because trade must be an instrument of development, not a punitive instrument to punish other countries.”

The high representative of the Latin American nation argued that “the BRICS aims to be, precisely, the different face, the multipolar face, the face of cooperation, the face of shared development, the face that Western countries do not have and never have.” had. Furthermore, he added that this economic group “is going to have a very important role in the development of the world economy, including trade.”

De-dollarization is irreversible

Regarding de-dollarization as a mechanism against the coercive measures imposed by the West, Bermudez emphasized that it is an irreversible process, although it will take time and very arduous work, and in that sense, he referred to a multipolar system, “where different currencies can be used and they can compete with each other.”

The sanctions “harm the people of those countries, they harm the North American investors who are in Nicaragua and who want to export their product to those countries, so it is a game of losing, it is not a game of winning, but politically in the political arena «Everything is possible, and these countries believe that maintaining hegemony in the world is a forever issue, and that is not a forever issue, the world is already changing,» highlighted the Nicaraguan minister.

Sanctions harm international trade

In this context, he stated that Nicaragua has two international trade agreements, one with Cuba and the other with Venezuela, which they cannot use due to the sanctions that the United States has imposed on these countries, «and then there is no way to pay for the transactions» that they can perform.

Bermudez explained that one of the main reasons why Nicaragua concluded the Free Trade Agreement with China is because 54% of all its exports currently go to the United States; Therefore, it must seek new markets, with reliable, supportive allies who provide unconditional cooperation, and with whom development can be shared.

Likewise, he specified that Beijing and China are looking towards Latin America with its different global initiatives, received very well by the region. “Nicaragua is even part of all of them and we believe that the future lies in that type of initiative, where large countries share with small countries, a balanced development, a shared development,” he stated.

Historical relations between Russia and Nicaragua

Regarding relations between Nicaragua and Russia, Bermudez described them as “a historical relationship based on strong ties of friendship, solidarity and cooperation.” And he added that they are developing a series of projects in education, health, the exchange of technologies, and in the commercial part they have begun a process to achieve the increase and diversification of trade between the two States.

However, he suggested the creation of a legal instrument that could give tariff preferences, and thus be able to increase trade much more and mainly achieve a stabilization of the trade balance between the two countries.

Leadership of the Government of Nicaragua for the development of the poorest

The Nicaraguan official highlighted the leadership of the president, Daniel Ortega, and the vice president Rosario Murillo, who have prioritized the development of the people and creating conditions for the poorest to develop, since 2007.

In this regard, he specified that this policy of the Nicaraguan Government has caused the economy to grow, roads and hospitals to double; and that education also has more classrooms so that children and young people can go and get educated; and that there is great progress in macroeconomics, quite stable.

You can read: “Nicaragua is not neutral; Nicaragua is with Russia”

Regarding unity in Latin America, the minister stated that the development of regional economic integration is very important. “I think that this is a very important instrument that all countries can use to grow, unfortunately there are some governments that are right-wing and follow the dictates of the United States of America and the European Union, in such a way that this creates a bit of a resistance towards this advance in regional integration,” he stressed.

It may interest you: Construction of the interoceanic canal in Nicaragua would transform the geo-economy of Latin America 

The head of Development, Industry and Commerce of Nicaragua concluded: “A very important issue is the media attack that they make against Nicaragua, which is full of pure lies, I think that the tourist who arrives in Nicaragua says ‘but I did see There is news on CNN and it said this about Nicaragua, very negative and I come to Nicaragua and see the opposite’, then we would like to promote tourism so that people around the world realize that Nicaragua has changed in a positive way, that Nicaragua continues Go ahead, that Nicaragua continues to develop.”