Faced with the imposition of coercive measures by the US against Nicaragua, Venezuela and Cuba show solidarity with the Nicaraguan State.

Venezuela and Cuba denounced the unilateral sanctions carried out by the United States government against Nicaraguans.

The governments of Venezuela and Cuba reject the coercive measures carried out by the United States against Nicaragua, which together with the West seeks to undermine the “anti-imperialist and patriotic will” of Nicaraguans.

“The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expresses its deepest rejection of the new aggressions perpetrated by the Government of the United States against the people and Government of Nicaragua, by imposing this day, unilateral coercive measures against two mining companies that operate in Nicaraguan territory, as well as against the Training Center of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation located in the city of Managua,” denounced the South American country in an official statement.

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The statement added: “The Venezuelan Government denounces the permanent campaign of the United States and its Western allies, which seeks in every possible way to break the iron anti-imperialist and patriotic will of the Government of Nicaragua, which defends the sacred right of its people to advance. in Peace and Stability in the noble construction of a better, more just and humanitarian present.”

Likewise, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, through his official X account expressed solidarity with the Nicaraguan State, denouncing the actions perpetrated by Washington that seek to affect the Nicaraguan economy.

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“We reject new unilateral coercive measures imposed by the US government against Nicaragua, which in another interventionist attempt seek to hit strategic sectors of the Nicaraguan economy, harm its people and the legitimate Government of Reconciliation and National Unity,” declared the highest representative of the Cuban diplomacy.

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For its part, Venezuela’s declaration also urged “the international community to condemn these retrograde and interfering actions that seek to harm the inalienable and sacred right to free economic activity and self-determination of peoples, reiterating its message of solidarity and brotherhood with the heroic Sandinista people and government.”