Xi Jinping and Joe Biden hold talks within the framework of the APEC summit
Xi Jinping and Joe Biden hold talks within the framework of the APEC summit

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with his US counterpart Joe Biden in San Francisco during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit, with the aim of addressing a wide range of regional issues as well as global.

In a joint press conference, Xi Jinping emphasized “it is a fact that China and the United States are different in history, culture, social system and development paths”.

The president of the Asian giant stressed that «as long as they respect each other, coexist in peace and seek mutually beneficial cooperation, they will be fully capable of overcoming differences and finding the right path for the two main countries to get along”.

Likewise, the Chinese president expressed his desire for an in-depth exchange of perspectives and the achievement of new understandings with the United States on strategic issues affecting global peace and development.

Xi Jinping emphasized that “it is unrealistic for one side to reshape the other, and conflict and confrontation has terrible consequences for both sides,” taking into account that “the world at large is big enough for the two countries to succeed”.

The Chinese president said that his country’s relationship with the United States “has never been easy,” “however it has continued to advance with ups and downs,” and, therefore, “turning our backs is not an option.”

Dialogue between China and the US

For his part, President Biden valued the dialogue with his Chinese counterpart, underscoring the importance of “a clear understanding free of misunderstandings.”

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This meeting follows the recent meeting between the US National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, and the director of the Office of the Chinese Foreign Affairs Commission, Wang Yi, in Washington.

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In this new meeting, Biden and Xi will seek to advance agreements to reestablish communications between their armed forces, collaborate in the fight against fentanyl trafficking and explore issues related to climate change mitigation and the promotion of renewable energy.