In Nicaragua, 80.6% of Nicaraguans support the management of the government chaired by Daniel Ortega

The international firm «M&R Consultores» specified through an exhaustive survey, a significant support of 80.6% of Nicaraguan citizens, towards the government management led by the president, Daniel Ortega.

The evaluation covered the general perception of the population regarding the performance of Daniel Ortega’s government, his style of governing and the image of the president himself. A notable 80.6% of those surveyed also considered that the president seeks unity and reconciliation among Nicaraguans.

Nicaraguan government attached to democratic principles

In addition, 80.9% affirmed that Daniel Ortega’s government style adheres to the principles of democracy and demonstrates commitment to the laws of the Latin American country, according to the polling firm.

Likewise, 89.4% expressed hope in the leadership of Ortega, the highest figure of the Sandinista revolution; while 77.2% highlighted that the government always acts taking into account the good of the entire population, without any type of discrimination.

In addition, the survey reflected solid support for peace and stability, with 96.7% of those interviewed valuing these elements as fundamental for the development of the country and the well-being of families.

Positive economic growth in Nicaragua

Likewise, 91.6% of Nicaraguan respondents maintain great hope that in the next 12 months the country will continue to maintain its social and economic stability.

The Nicaraguan economy, under the government of Daniel Ortega, has shown solid performance throughout 2023, exceeding expectations despite the global context of economic slowdown, according to the Central Bank of the Latin American nation.

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 3.8% in the first half of the year, driven by key sectors such as hotels, restaurants, mines, electricity, transportation, communications, financial intermediation, commerce and construction. Domestic demand, fueled by growth in consumption and investment, has been an essential driver.

You can read: Nicaraguans support Free Trade Agreement with China

The Monthly Index of Economic Activity (IMAE) until July 2023 showed an accumulated growth of 4.1%, detailing that economic activity continued robust during the third quarter.

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Inflation, although it has begun to slow down (7.46% in August), shows some persistence, possibly associated with structural factors and delays in the transfer of international prices to national prices, indicates the banking entity.