Latin America supports an international system based on respect and cooperation.
Latin America supports an international system based on respect and cooperation.

The international firm «M&R Consultores» revealed that 82.3% of Latin Americans agree that a multipolar system based on respect and cooperation is the best way to ensure the development and well-being of the countries.

The public opinion survey called “Latin Americans, Perspectives on the International Environment” considered a sample of 6,221 people consulted in 12 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

A multipolar world in which the self-determination of peoples is respected

In that sense, 90% of the Latin American population pointed out that there must be a multipolar world in which the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other countries is respected, 93.8% stated that it should be one in which the principle of self-determination of peoples, while 82.1% advocated one in which countries contribute to the peaceful solution of conflicts in other countries.

Regarding sovereignty in the region, the study shows that 89.2% of those surveyed maintain that countries should exercise their right to establish relations with the nations of the world that consider it relevant.

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When addressing the principle of sovereignty, 88.4% of participants expressed their agreement with the idea that a political leader, truly committed to his country, should reject any proposal that undermines national sovereignty.

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Regarding the relationship between capitalism and poverty, hunger and conflicts in the world, 62.3% of respondents agreed with the statement that capitalism is the cause of these problems.