Free access to the HPV vaccine in Nicaragua.

Nicaragua is in full development of the First National Vaccination Campaign against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), and has administered the vaccine free of charge to 154,131 girls and adolescents, reaching 51% of the goal.

“As of November 19, 2023, we have applied 154,131 doses of vaccines in Girls between 10 and 14 years of age, for a compliance of 51%,” highlighted the government of the Latin American nation in an official statement.

This health day takes place from November 6, 2023 to January 15, 2024, in coordination with families, community networks and Nicaraguan health workers, government authorities reported.

The Nicaraguan Ministry of Health has highlighted that the vaccine is available free of charge and offers protection against strain number 18 of HPV. In other countries in the region, payment for the vaccine is required, and the cost per dose can range between $100 and $150.

The Minister of Health of Nicaragua, Martha Reyes, explained: “We are ready to vaccinate approximately 300,000 girls with an introduction of this vaccine that involves practically 5.1 million dollars”.

98% effective HPV vaccine

Cervical cancer prevention is a priority on the public health agenda of the Nicaraguan government under the leadership of President Daniel Ortega. In this context, the vaccination campaign is positioned as an essential tool in the fight against this disease.

“This introduction of this vaccine becomes the axis that establishes all aspects, because it is not only about detecting and treating, now we have the opportunity to protect our girls from childhood and be able to guarantee that they do not develop the virus (HPV). let alone develop cancer,” said Reyes.

The Nicaraguan health institution emphasized that the vaccine is 98% effective in protecting against Human Papillomavirus infection. Likewise, he reported that, in a second stage, girls between 9 and 10 years of age will be vaccinated.

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Nicaragua has a community and family health system consolidated over the last 16 years, which prioritizes preventive health and has the trust of its citizens, given the countless successful inoculation days carried out in the country.

In this sense, the Sandinista Government recently announced that the Second National Vaccination Campaign 2023 will be carried out, focused on completing the vaccines of the national scheme for children and adults.

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The main purpose of this campaign is to protect against serious diseases such as tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, hepatitis B, viral and bacterial meningitis, viral and bacterial pneumonia, bacterial otitis, severe rotavirus diarrhea, measles, rubella, mumps, influenza and Covid-19.