The Meta platform, Instagram, is ready to join the new trend and add AI Chatbot for users to choose their 30 personalities 

Currently, you can find AI Chatbots on many platforms, and Instagram won’t be far behind, as it is developing an AI Chatbot containing 30 personalities.

The social network appears to be working on AI that can answer questions, give advice and help write messages, all according to Alessandro Paluzzi a mobile developer.

According to the platform, users could get to choose from 30 different personalities for AI Chatbots, turning the app to this new AI trend.

The platform Snapchat also implemented its own AI, called My AI, where users can text, plan trips, and recommend birthday gifts, according to the company.

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The Meta platform, would not be left behind, since its goal of adding AI in the long term was in the plans, according to Zuckerberg, so users can create their AI personalities.

The integration of AI in social networks has been an advanced step so far, however, there is still a truly innovative way to use AI on these platforms, so that the world is aware of possible new updates and the development of these functionalities.