UK Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after being in office two months

Liz Truss made history by resigning this October 20, being the shortest ever serving UK prime minister after being in office for just two months.

During a brief speech in Downing Street in London, added that the Conservative Party chose her with the objective of reducing taxes and improve economy.

Also, the leader said “she cannot deliver the mandate on which she was elected by the Conservative Party”, and that the same party voted to force her to resign due to the economic plan she did not fulfill.

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The plan objective was to cut taxes to the wealthiest people in the UK in the name of “economic growth”, while offering help to the most vulnerable and those on low incomes, but this was not possible.

Truss said that she took office in a moment of economic and international instability, but during her governance, energy bills were paid and the rise in the national insurance was reversed.

Ending the short speech, she added she will remain as prime minister until a successor has been chosen.

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The politician became the British governor with the shortest time in office. Previously the shortest-lived prime minister was George Canning, who died in 1827 after 119 days in office.