Some 45,000 people have joined the brigades to carry out the Literacy Census

The Literacy Census is carried out throughout the national territory of Nicaragua

Nicaragua executes the National Literacy Census, which plans to strengthening educational quality in the countryside and in the city, with the efforts carried out with the “National Plan to Fight Poverty and for Human Development 2022- 2026”.

Through the National Literacy Census, Nicaragua would be carrying out a diagnosis, through statistics and indicators, on the levels in terms of education, specified, during an interview, broadcast by the local television channel, Canal 4, the head of the Ministry of Education, Lilliam Herrera.

Census ‘house to house’, throughout the country

For this task, the minister assured that some 45,000 people who make up the brigades have been involved: teachers, students, territorial leaders, and youth leaders. These are being deployed to the different municipalities of the country, and have previously been trained to apply the instrument of the Literacy Census.

“We believe that it is necessary that we all get involved: The Territorial Leaders, the leader who knows his community inch by inch, the leader who is day by day with this Model of Faith, Family and Community, and who is in good times and bad with his people,” she said.

In this sense, she assured that it is intended to know the Illiteracy Index, and in turn obtain the indicators for each territory, and in this way analyze what strategies are being implemented, so that all families become involved in the issue of education.

The people have the right to study

To meet the objectives set, the brigade members are making visits “house to house, every inch, in every territory”, in order to complete the census in a maximum of 30 days, according to the projections of the Ministry of Education.

Minister Lilliam Herrera quoted President Daniel Ortega, when referring that “the worker has the right to educate himself, the peasant, the poor, the people who have less economic capacity, have the right to study.”

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The National Literacy Census has generated good expectations in Nicaragua, particularly because it brings to mind the Successful National Literacy Crusade that took place in the 80’s, after the Triumph of the Sandinista Popular Revolution.

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In that educational milestone, members of the Sandinista Front taught 406,056 Nicaraguans to read and write, reducing the illiteracy rate from 50.35% to 12.96%. That important achievement was an exemplary model for the world and was honored by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).