Russia and Nicaragua reaffirm their stand for a just multipolar world
Russia and Nicaragua ratify their path to strengthening a multipolar world.

The governments of Russia and Nicaragua held a new meeting in Moscow, where they ratified the position aimed at building the law of a just multipolar world.

Following the meeting, the President of the Russian State Duma, Viacheslav Volodin, stressed on bilateral relations with Nicaragua that «the challenges only unite. Thanks to its position in international organizations, the UN, where we stand shoulder to shoulder defending the right to a just multipolar world».

The senior representatives of the Central American government Laureano Ortega Murillo, presidential adviser; Iván Acosta, Minister of Finance and Public Credit; and Alba Torres, Ambassador of Nicaragua, reaffirmed the ties of cooperation that continue to expand with the Eurasian nation.

In addition, on the rapprochement between the parliaments of both countries, Volodin, reaffirmed that it seeks to create a high-level commission, and considered it important for Moscow «to develop relations within the parliamentary dimension so that we do everything possible to strengthen relations».

In that sense, he detailed that, if they were to «sign an agreement to create the high-level commission, the first meeting could be held on the eve of the Russian-Latin American International Conference».

The Russian high representative stressed the importance of diplomatic relations with Nicaragua, established under mutual respect and non-interference between both parties. » Relations between our countries are special, traditionally friendly. We understand that this is largely due to our Presidents, who have laid a good foundation,» he said.

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The Nicaraguan delegation confirmed the participation of the National Assembly for the Russia-Latin America International Conference, which will take place between September 29 and October 2, where they will address the strengthening of cooperation in humanitarian projects, educational and investment.