Russian Foreign Minister warns that US and UK attacks on Yemen could worsen Middle East crisis

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has accused the United States and the United Kingdom of breaking international law and once again violating the United Nations Security Council resolution by carrying out massive bombings in Yemen.

“The United States along with the United Kingdom violated, without a doubt, violated every conceivable norm of international law, including the UN Security Council resolution, which simply calls for protecting commercial shipping. «Nobody authorized the bombing of Yemen”, Lavrov said.

Likewise, the Russian minister compared the attacks in Yemen with the previous actions of Western countries in Libya, noting that the justifications provided by Washington seem “pathetic”.

Lavrov stressed the need to end the aggression against Yemen and expressed concern about the impact of the bombings on the prospects for negotiations to resolve the Yemeni crisis.

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Actions carried out on January 12 by the United States and the United Kingdom, supported by Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands, targeted Houthi objectives in several Yemeni governorates.

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In this sense, these attacks, which included military installations and caused casualties in the Houthi ranks, have generated additional tensions in the Middle East region.