Daniel Ortega: Humanity has only one homeland that fights for peace
President Daniel Ortega highlighted the efforts made from Nicaragua to consolidate global peace.

The Latin American leader and president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, makes a new statement in which he promotes the role that humanity has in building a world where peace, stability and security prevail.

His address was made during his meeting with a delegation from the People’s Republic of China, which, in addition to members of the diplomatic corps of the Embassy in Nicaragua, had the participation of representatives of the Chinese Agency for International Development Cooperation.

«Humanity has only one Homeland, which fights for peace and fights for the security of nations and peoples,» said Ortega while reiterating his welcome to the Chinese delegation and sending his message of friendship to the president of the Asian giant, Xi Jinping.

A new world of peace and respect for sovereignty

Regarding the strengthening of relations with Beijing and the agreements on cooperation projects and programs, the Nicaraguan president considered that this demonstrates the principles that Xi Jinping has upheld, regarding that «these are times to create a new world, a world where all nations can meet and live in peace, in security and with respect for sovereignty.

The top leader of the Sandinista Revolution assured that Nicaragua shares the same principles as China, and that they are also welcomed by «all the peoples of the world, not all governments, but I am sure that the North American people also welcome them,» he emphasized.

Likewise, Ortega assured that they hope that “the North American government understands that this is the only path that we all have for stability and peace in the world.

You can read: Nicaragua: Under no circumstances should the peace of the country be risked

The Nicaraguan head of state thanked the Chinese Agency for International Development Cooperation, which is «facing the developing peoples, which is facing the African continent, the Asian peoples who are in the process of development, to the Latin American and Caribbean region”.

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In addition, the Latin American statesman affirmed that it is an agency that «is looking beyond, for the well-being, security of the peoples, and the fight against poverty that we are still waging in developing countries.»