Nicaragua: Under no circumstances should the peace of the country be risked
Nicaraguans assure that the peace and tranquility of the nation cannot be put at risk.

The peace and stability of Nicaragua represent an unbreakable principle for Nicaraguans, as revealed by the Public Opinion Monitoring System of the international polling company, M&R Consultores.

With a large percentage, 92.6%, the citizens of the Central American country consider that the peace of Nicaragua should not be put at risk under any circumstances, and the 92.3% consider it essential to maintain the stability of the nation, according to the company.

Daniel Ortega promotes global peace and stability

In this sense, the president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, has permanently insisted on the importance of peace for Nicaraguans and for the rest of the world.

Ortega, in his speeches, delves into the urgency of consolidating that peace at a global level. «The world that we want to create must be for peace, understanding, fraternal understanding, solidarity, cooperation and coexistence as a human community…», assured the Nicaraguan president, in the context of the recent High Level Dialogue of the Communist Party of China with the Political Parties of the World. 

Likewise, the statesman and leader of Latin America, illustrated in his address to hundreds of leaders who participated in that meeting, that «…we continue to fight all the necessary, indispensable battles to defend peace and the right to live as we deserve, with relations respectful, brotherly, sincere and supportive, with all the peoples of the world”.

Ortega’s national and international policy on peace and stability has evidently permeated the consciousness of Nicaraguans who promote and defend, even more, the citizen security that prevails in the country, after the failed coup attempt in 2018, promoted by opposition groups aligned with the interference of the United States, which left economic repercussions for the country.

In this sense, the survey showed that 83% of those surveyed affirmed that Nicaragua has overcome the events that occurred between April and July 2018, a period in which the streets of the Central American country were the scenes of attacks, kidnappings, torture and systematic murders promoted by opponents financed by US organizations.

You can read: Russia: Nicaragua would supply peaceful nuclear technology for non-energy use in Latin America

Likewise, M&R Consultores details that 90.1% of the population agrees that national unity is necessary to defeat poverty. In addition, 90.6% endorse that dialogue between the Government and other sectors is the method par excellence to solve conflicts.

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Another item that highlights the importance of stability is that 90.7% who consider that Nicaragua is overcoming the situations generated by the Covid-19 pandemic, an emergency that was efficiently managed by the Nicaraguan health system and that has been recognized by international organizations.