High representative of the Government of Nicaragua points to the expansion of trade relations in Russia.

Nicaragua and Russia have widely strengthened their cooperation ties.

Nicaragua expects its trade cooperation with Russia to cover the wide territorial extension of the Eurasian nation and to be consolidated in each of its regions.

The vision of the Latin American country was detailed by the presidential advisor for the Promotion of Investments, Trade and International Cooperation of Nicaragua, Laureano Ortega, to Sputnik news agency, in the context of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

«We want to strengthen trade and economic and trade relations with all regions of the Russian Federation, obviously, Russia is huge and we have to go step by step,» the Nicaraguan high-ranking representative stressed.

Ortega stressed that «Nicaragua is a small country in its territory, in its economic capacities», but that it is moving, step by step, towards the consolidation of economic and commercial exchange with Russia.

Crimea and Nicaragua will strengthen their commercial ties

He also emphasized the rapprochement with Crimea, where talks have been established in relation to the cooperation ties they intend to develop in the near future.

«Crimea has opened its doors to us, Nicaragua has also opened its doors to us, so that we can establish cooperation programs and projects», said the presidential advisor, who in turn, considered that the Central American nation «can have an interesting market for some products, and also share some experiences» with the Russian territory, in fields where there are strengths.

Likewise, he specified the agreement to welcome investments from Crimea, businessmen and companies that can be established in Nicaragua, in order to continue with the strengthening of the strategic cooperation links with Russia. 

In this context, he said that in the same way, they are promoting trade cooperation ties with the city of St. Petersburg, and from the Eastern Economic Forum. 

Progress in cooperation between Russia and Nicaragua

Regarding the Latin American Institute of Biotechnology Méchnikov, he emphasized that «it has been a star project for us that has given us the opportunity to advance, to make a great leap forward in health technology».

«We can proudly say that the flu vaccines that are applied to the Nicaraguan population free of charge in the vaccination day are 100% made in Nicaragua. That is a milestone, that is something that does not exist in other countries in the Central American region,» Ortega added.

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The presidential advisor stressed that his government sees a good opportunity for Russian products to come to Nicaragua and also for Nicaraguans to be placed in the Russian market, and detailed the transcendence of items such as sugar, cigars, rum, as well as the fishing sector.

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«It is the time to strengthen economic ties between brotherly countries to confront these aggressions, this illegality of the U.S. empire and the Europeans, against Russia, against China, against Nicaragua, against Venezuela, against Cuba, against the peoples of the world who believe in independence, sovereignty and the right of peoples to create their own path to prosperity,» said Ortega.